When we start something new, or when we try something for the first time, we doubt ourselves, right? While when we are busy doubting ourselves, there are many around us who are intimated by our potential and we have no idea about it!

So in this situation, all we need is to boost confidence in ourselves and that can be brought by a small test. 

And specially when its about public speaking, we all need it definitely as we all are aware of the stage fear that has many a times became a barrier for us to express our views before a crowd.

Public speaking. It is easy or difficult? Everyone has gone through such a test at least once. But is it successful? This test will help you determine if you are a good speaker.

Note: transcript of the results obtained at the end of the page.


1. You need to give a speech, where will you start your preparation?

 From reading books
 With the selection of capacious phrases
 With pondering the topic

2. When and where do you prefer to prepare for your preparation?

 Wherever possible
 30 minutes before the performance
 During working hours

3. Do you take notes that might be useful for your performance?

 From time to time
 Not Required
 No, I prefer impromptu

4. In your opinion how much information should be selected for the presentation?

 Collect all, take part
 Only necessary
 As much as possible

5. Do you usually memorize a prepared speech by heart?

 Surely it's quieter this way
 No, you can read it
 I do not teach, but I rehearse

6. Remember how you spend the evening on the eve of an important speech?

 I am resting well
 I'm getting ready all evening
 As usual

7. How do you feel about having to eat before a performance?

 I prefer to be hungry
 I have a light snack

8. How do you grab the audience's attention during your speech?

 I use pauses
 I put flowers on the table
 I gesture a lot

9. If you need to memorize a large amount if material, what do you do?

 I read aloud
 I repeat until I remember
 I use associations

10. How do you usually start your presentation?

 From an anecdote
 With common phrases
 From a specific example

Test results:

Now out of the above questions, if you chose point 1 then you gained 5 marks for each, 4 marks for third point and 3 marks for the second. So calculate your scores and study your results below.

From 0 to 15 points. Obviously, you did not have sufficient experience in performing, and therefore, you did not develop stable skills in this kind of activity. There are different techniques of public speaking, you can use them, or you can not imitate anyone. The main thing is self-confidence and constant practice.

From 16 to 36 points. You have an average score. So you are equally familiar with success and failure in this area. Analyze what you are failing, and try not to make such mistakes again. Your performances will become more stable and interesting.

From 37 to 50 points. You have a good grasp of the intricacies of public speaking. Most likely, speaking in front of an audience excites you, communicating with listeners is a pleasure. However, do not succumb to the ease of dialogue with the audience and do not neglect the thorough preparation for the performance. Remember: the best impromptu is the one that is prepared.

Thus congrats if you found your results to be best and still if not so then you should follow TalkTale to improve yourself!
