Aren't the few people you see around yourself gets a lot more attention, respect, publicity or love from the people, being just a normal person like you. They haven't exceled an extra degree or won a gold in Olympics yet, but still seems to be everyone's favorite, even of the people they don't know. It's because they have that confidence of being themselves, confidence of interacting and even you can build that. 



Sounds strange? But yes, DATE. 

Dating boosts your confidence as it is one of the way to speak things your heart out to other people, builds trust as well and makes you more familiar. Call yourself an introvert but still, the more you share, the more confident you will become and influencing will thus become easy for you. 

How you feel around the people whom you like? A little bit dumb, weird or clumsy? Consider these as your barrier and all you need to do is just avoid them to become confident. that's it. But of course, you need to first face them to fight them, then just stop thinking and start dating, have fun. 


Why should you do that? Haven't you met your new colleagues or new batchmates or new partner in you bus or train journey? Do you talk to then or keep your phone in hand as an excuse? Well that's one of the mistake that we do and are not aware of. 

Talking or interacting with the people you don't know improves your ability to interact and thus boosts your confidence. Open the talk by yourself, don't wait for the other one to start. Talk about common interests or anything that suits the scenario, or share your things.

This will never gonna harm you or your personality, in fact this is gonna contribute to your lifestyle in a way you might never have predicted. And good things are worth waiting or efforts, obviously.


Helping hands are greater than praying hands. Help can never put you in loss, and it's not always okay to think about profits and losses. However, helping has another benefit as well. Whenever you help, you feel good, feeling good makes you confident. Isn't that so? Then try to do it at least once a day. 

Helping in the case of money always isn't the point, helping can be about giving financially, socially or emotionally. Build a support for others if you wanna build yourself. And find yourself lucky if you are capable of helping others instead of seeking help from others.


A book cannot be judged by it's cover but the cover still plays an important part for the book. Your confident looks thus plays an important part in your confidence. 

As we have talked about being good and feeling good for being confident, try to wear you favorite shoes, use your best perfume or start your day with your favorite music, be punctual, be a little dumb and relaxed, thank yourself for the day and thus you will see positive results in yourself. That's what makes you confident because you feel deserving and thankful for whatever you have, and everything you are looking for.
